It could just be that you have a nice full head of hair until you suddenly suffer from hair loss in a specific place. Within a few weeks or perhaps even in a few days, the area appears to be thinning and then it seems that no hair is growing at all. Chances are that you are dealing with Alopecia Areata. This can have a significant impact on your state of mind. What exactly is alopecia areata in women and more importantly, what is the best treatment for it?
View our Treatment for Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata, Latin for patchy baldness, is an autoimmune disease. This means that the cells in your immune system accidentally attack the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. The hair usually falls out in round patches, coin-sized pieces, distributed over the head.
This skin condition is relatively common and can affect anyone at any age, although most cases occur before or around the age of 30. The duration of the hair loss and its severity vary from person to person.
In some people, the condition causes total baldness and progresses (Alopecia Totalis) or complete loss of body hair (Alopecia Universalis). For others, hair grows back in 12 months or less. It may also repeat itself and appear as a multi-year cycle.
The culprit: Like most autoimmune diseases, what causes Alopecia Areata is not fully understood. However, studies and specialists associate this form of hair loss with the following factors:
- Genetics, hereditary predisposition
- Tension and severe stress situations
- Accidents (in relation to stress)
- An underlying disease
- A relationship with another autoimmune disease
- Vitamin and mineral deficiency
How to spot it: The most prominent symptom of Alopecia Areata is patchy, patchy hair loss, about the size of a euro coin, usually on the scalp. But also other places where hair growth can be affected, such as the beard or eyelashes.
Hair loss can come on suddenly within days or weeks. You may experience itching or burning in the affected area before hair loss. Even minor changes in your fingernails and toenails can also indicate Alopecia Areata. The nails can suddenly be very rough, dull, thin and split.
Other clinical signs:
- Loss of pigment in the hair (hair turns gray) around the affected area
- Some short hairs that narrow at the bottom and grow in or around the edges of bald patches
Alopecia Areata affects both men and women. But although men are more likely to experience hair loss (such as baldness), women are more likely to be diagnosed with Alopecia Areata than men. The reasons for this, as well as the cause, remain a mystery.
Children can also develop Alopecia Areata. Most people dealing with Alopecia Areata experience this type of hair loss before the age of 30. While the disease is often related to a person’s lineage or genetics, parents with this condition don’t always pass it on to their child, nor does it tell us that children with Alopecia Areata have a parent who has also suffered from it.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alopecia Areata. It is just as unpredictable as other autoimmune diseases and a lot of research is still needed before it can be fully understood. Some experience Alopecia Areata only once in their lifetime, while others experience hair loss multiple times for weeks, months, years or even decades after it first appeared. While there is not much you can do to eliminate the cause of Alopecia Areata, there are ways to deal with it as best you can and promote recovery.
Case study
One of the trichologists who works with Neofollics has a lot of experience with hair problems such as Alopecia Areata. In one example a woman who had a severe degree of this hair problem, treatment was prescribed from the first moment with the Neofollics Tablets , Shampoo and the Lotion . From the moment of the first use, it improves the condition of the scalp and has received essential vitamins and minerals for hair growth. The use of the Lotion has provided local stimulation of hair growth. With this treatment for 12 months, the hair situation has improved significantly.
Unfortunately, with Alopecia Areata, there is no solution available that tackles this problem at the root cause. However, a number of products can be used to promote hair growth recovery as much as possible. For this we recommend a combination of the Neofollics Tablets , Neofollics Shampoo and the Neofollics Lotion. This can also be found in it Neofollics package for moderate hair loss.